The Story of Career Development Toolkit: Job Finding Tools
We are passionate about bringing the power of a crowd-sourced, social enterprise to help you with job finding tools quickly. While the job finding tools are available to all, we especially care about helping women, immigrants & refugees. We believe that these are amazingly valuable members of our community, who are often disadvantaged – not because of a lack of talent – but because they do not have access to the techniques to highlight their achievements and tools for finding jobs. provides the world’s most comprehensive set of job finding tools to supercharge your resume, highlight your achievements and prepare you for your job interview. These tools will fast-track your job search, plus you also have access to a career explorer to research job profiles.
We see ourselves very innovative in this area. We are not aware of any other organization that provides such a comprehensive set of tools as the job finding tools. We have put in close to 4 years of work in creating these assets, so that today all job seekers, especially women and immigrants – have the same tools which previously were available to only a privileged few.
We have had huge success in helping job-finders over the last few years and much credit for this goes to the job finders themselves for trying out innovative ideas and exploiting our tool for their success. This certainly keeps us motivated to continually improve and bring new tools for you.
A Fascinating Journey: Discovering Job Finding Tools and Techniques
Two women set out on an amazing journey!
1940: “We are Forty and We Did Get Jobs.”
Two frail, forty year old women set out, during the peak of depression on a very unique adventure in America. They wanted to energize the jobless millions inspiring them with one idea, “You can find a job, regardless of any weaknesses you may think you have. All you have to do is show your prospective employer how you can help them.”.
Despite possessing every handicap (40+, woman, frail, depression), each of them was offered many good jobs during their tour which inspired their book – “How I found my Job (Personal Growth Leaflet. no. 125.) by Clara Belle Thompson and Margaret Lukes Wise (1947)”.
These two courageous women serve as our inspiration for the Career Development Toolkit and we firmly believe that your dream job is in your hands. We want to show you how you can reach out and grab it.
We discover that helping people find jobs is the best way we can give back to the community.
Passionate about helping truly deserving job seekers break through the artificial barriers which constrain them, a group of professionals started helping people find jobs. Amazing success and turnaround in the careers of many job seekers who had practically given up hope continued to inspire these “advisors”.
These “Career Advisors” came from diverse backgrounds – they had been CEOs, senior leaders, recruitment specialists, entrepreneurs and technical experts. Many of our advisors have managed major change, provided stability in crisis situations, led complex initiatives and been in the midst of major reorganization.
During those times, as also today, what inspired them was the success of their mentees.
We start taking advantage of technology to help larger number of people.
Wanting to scale their efforts to a larger number of job seekers more easily, these job search advisors, our “founding fathers”, created very unique, innovative apps which have all their knowledge and best practices distilled into a self guided framework. These apps or tools are continuously refreshed and are always current with the trends bringing you the easiest, fastest and latest ways of finding a job quickly in your chosen field.
At, we specialize in advanced job search techniques – to make things happen in the real world. The tools we bring for you are practical tools; these are not text-book solutions.
And, the key to the success of our mentees and customers has been an insider view of organizations which we put to work through the innovative apps we have created for you. Our work is always firmly rooted in the real-world, making Career Development Toolkit practical and fruitful.
We promise our best and we are confident of your success.
Wishing you much success!
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