Sufi Stories

Celebrating innovation, creation and entrepreneurship

Success Stories: A Step By Step Guide

Create Your Success Stories in 5 Steps

  1. Make a list of 20 accomplishments – things that you had done at work or even outside work that you are proud of.

  2. Study each of the above accomplishments and list the skills demonstrated by each.

  3. Now create short stories using those accomplishments and skills.

  4. Use “Situation – Action – Result” format for your stories.

  5. Include quotes from real people to make your stories come alive.

Tool: Download Your Accomplishment Stories Template

The most convincing evidence of your effectiveness is a story about a past success – How you solved problems or went an extra mile.

You should be able to list 3 accomplishment for every $10K of salary you expect. That means 15 accomplishment stories for a salary of $50K or more. Being prepared with several stories will let you easily pick the most appropriate when needed.