Step-I: Winning Interview Game Plan
Before you begin, please read the Career Development Toolkit Introduction Guide if you haven’t already done so.
Get Started with Preparing for a Winning Interview
Let’s craft a winning game plan!
Using the Playbook identify the interview format you are most likely to face (based on the position you are applying for).
Can you anticipate some possible interview scenarios for yourself – based on the suggestions in the Playbook?
Make a note of a few possible interview formats based on the type of organisation and the interviewer you expect to encounter..
To complete these activities use “Playbook: The Game Plan”.
01. Review success criteria in interviews in different job positions.
- Type Of Job: Toolkit: Interview Formats By Different Job Positions
02. Identify Your Interview Scenario
- Toolkit: Interview Scenarios
Special Scenario: Group Discussions are not very common at experienced professional and executive level of interviews. They are used in campus recruitment only.
Toolkit: Win In Group Discussions
03. Identify Your Interview Format:
Type Of Organization: Toolkit: Interview Formats In Different Organisations
Type Of Interviewer: Toolkit: : Interview Formats By Different Interviewers
Expectations, Goals & Objectives
- What is the interviewer expecting from this meeting with you
- What are you expecting as an ideal next step from this meeting?
Brainstorm your upcoming interview with a friend. You will be surprised how another head makes you think of things you have not thought of already.