Step 4: Killer Profile: Profile & Skills in Your Resume
01. Refine your profile and Professional Objective.
Time Needed: 15 minutes
02. Refine the Skills section in your resume.
Time Needed: 30 minutes
To complete these activities use the following Playbook.
01. Craft an Impactful Profile
Create your Professional Objective – here you name your area of work. Your professional objective is the goal of your job search campaign.
- A few example profiles:
Toolkit: Cheatsheet: Executive Profiles
02. Identify Your Top Skills
- Identify both the skills you have acquired in personal life as well as those on the job; through trainings as well as those you have acquired through experience.
Toolkit: Cheatsheet: Skills
- Hot Tip: Go to your LinkedIn profile and click on the “more” tab to locate the skills section. Type a skill into the search box and a pull-down menu will appear with alternative skills that are similar to the one you typed in the search box. This will give you some ideas about additional skills which should be in your resume.