Sufi Stories

Celebrating innovation, creation and entrepreneurship

Step 10: Killer Profile: How to Use Your Resume to Get Discovered


Complete atleast one action in the “Playbook: Get Found” in the section “Get Known As An Expert”.

Time Needed: 2 hours

To complete these activities use the following Playbook.

Get Known As An Expert

Create Content. Content is King. Use visuals, infographics, charts.

  1. e-Book: Create an e-Book relevant to your industry. Create a short booklet in MS Word and save as pdf. There – you got your e-Book!

  2. Print Book: Write a well researched book backed by real experience (your own or others) – Get it published – If necessary self publish it and put it on A book brings a huge amount of credibility for the writer.

  3. Case Studies: Write case studies on your blog. Also, create pdf versions which you can email to people. Toolkit: Format For Case Study

  4. Competitive Analysis: Prepare a competitive analysis of a product or company.

  5. YouTube & Slideshare: Create a video resume on YouTube – woodworking skills, a short lesson in management trends or a technical tutorial. YouTube is limited only by your imagination. To keep it simple you can also create a set of powerpoints and upload it on YouTube or Slideshare.

  6. Google for the term “guest posts” – esp in blogs related to your area of expertise. Offer to write a short guest post. In the guest post include a link back to your LinkedIn profile.

Make sure your name and contact info is easily visible on these artifacts.

Stay away from paid resume bulk mail services

  • Sending your resume to a large number of anonymous people – about whom you don’t know anything – doesn’t work.

  • People get annoyed by the junk mail and you will get a bad reputation

  • Every mail you send must be tailored for a specific individual.