Sufi Stories

Celebrating innovation, creation and entrepreneurship

Step 9: Killer Profile: Exploit LinkedIn Power Effectively


01. Google for relevant industry keywords and think of core strengths which you missed in previous section. Make a list and think in which sections of your resume they can be used.
Time Needed: 20 minutes

02. Sign up for an account with LinkedIn and complete your profile.
Time Needed: 40 minutes

03. Create a blog and put up your e-Resume as explained in the Playbook. Put a link to your e-Resume in your LinkedIn profile.
Time Needed: 2 hours

To complete these activities use the following Playbook.

01. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques

  1. What are your core strengths which make you unique?

  2. For each of these core strenghts/USPs identify a few keywords. Include these keywords in your resume.

02. Leverage LinkedIn

03. Create An eResume