I wrote a story based on my life to encourage others. It took courage to write my new Book
My name is Phyllis Goldsby my nick name is Goldie, which has been what I have been called by my nick name if Goldie more than my real name. My family and close friends call me Goldie.
Every Friday I order the same item for dinner at the same restaurant. I always like writing to my friends and family when we were long distance, which we could not see one another telling stories that capture my family. I wrote a while in elementary school, I wrote a true story about relocating to another state, and the school printed it in the school news paper. I have been working on my new release “Beating the Odds” for 2.5 years. I have a Publisher that worked with me ( Page Publishing) that accepted my Manuscript.
I hear so many people struggling with life events and some struggle but no one would know it is the person would reveal it. I changed the title and the name and location of the characters several times.
I wanted a title that would catch attention. I wanted to encourage others that even if life gets tough sometimes if possible seem impossible you can make it if you try harder.
I get new ideals from enjoying music, and living. My new book ” Beating the Odds” is now sold in book stores or on line everywhere. I am working on four more manuscript. I just wanted my book to go public to let the world know if you survive and recover live your life.
When I promote my work, I find social media a great platform are great. I am following up on invitations to promote my work for free. I am a new artist so I am in starving artist mode temporarily.
I do book signings also. I find the create events and buy buttons on my social media plat forms does well for me.
I can be followed on Linked in my site is called Authors Place.
Author Phyllis Goldsby@authorpg
Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/author/phyllisgoldsby