Sufi Stories

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11 Tips From Hiring Managers: How To Answer Interview Questions

The following proven tips from the real world will catapult you into the league of WOW candidates. These can not be absorbed overnight for your next interview. However try to become aware of these tips & practice them in different situations.

These will for sure transform you into an engaging personality – a candidate whom interviewers love and enjoy talking to.


Be relaxed – look relaxed. Remember to sleep well the night before. If possible, get in some light exercise on the day before your interview. 40 push-ups and 40 situps would be enough to make blood flow in your face and make it look radiant the next day. Go for a walk so your digestion is good next day. Have your cup of coffee (or cigarette, if you smoke) before the interview to make sure your brain is turned on. Be yourself – don’t try to put on an artificial smile. Remember you are not going to ask for a favor – the interviewer needs you as much as you need the job.


Make the interview into a conversation by having your own set of questions ready. .


Make a list of some positive, high energy words – for example excited, enthusiasm, integrity, initiative, passion. Use at least two of these in the interview.


Sprinkle some keywords from your resume in the interview. Refer to your resume during your interview so the interviewer finds it reassuring that what you have written in resume is what you are explaining. Your resume is not just a figment of your imagination.


Try to veer the conversation towards your strong points by mentioning them in some way while answering another question.


What if you need some time to think? Ask for a few minutes to “collect your thoughts” if you need some time to think. Have some blank pages and pen with you and don’t hesitate to make some quick drawings to illustrate your point.


What if you don’t know the answer? It’s ok if you don’t know the answer to a technical question. Either say outright ” I don’t know” or “I can’t recollect”. If appropriate you can say that you can say that you can make a guess. Or best of all, you can say how you would go about finding the answer. Mention the relevant documentation you would refer to, the experts you would speak with or any other way you would research the answer.


How to handle difficult confrontational questions? These may be thrown at you to test your equanimity. Don’t change the tone or rhythm of your voice. Wait until you’re ready to respond before speaking. Your lack of knowledge in this one area in no way diminishes your other qualifications, so just remember that and you’ll keep your cool much more easily. Often, you can impress the questioner more by remaining calm and confident when asked a tough question than by providing the “right” answer. Keep in mind that there is often no single right answer and that the way in which you present yourself is often more important than what you say.


What to do if the interviewer contradicts you confidently? Do not simply agree with him if you are certain of your position, however do not take his bait to start an argument. Mention that this is “my understanding” and you would check it again. Mention the source (books, website etc) from where this cofirmation can be had.


If the interviewer asks a “closed question” – one that requires a yes or no answer, then turn it into an open conversation. For example – “Did you work at Adobe? Yes, it was a great experience for me to work there and I learned a lot about digital art products”.


What if you don’t understand the question? Ask the interviewer to repeat the question if you don’t understand it immediately.


The answers you give in the interview are important, but they by themselves are not the entire story.

How you communicate positivity, your integrity, your personality and charm usually make the strongest impression. These characteristics are often more important than the answers you provide.

A candidate’s ability to appear confident even in stressful situations, and to appropriately handle challenging questions from customers or senior management are skills highly prized by employers. Always keep this in mind when faced with tough questions during an interview.

We wish you much success in your next interview! May you come out with flying colors!