7 Secret Techniques To Get Your Resume Read & Spark An Interview Call
There are the techniques which the top sales reps use to get their mails read. These same techniques will get your resume read and acted upon by the hiring managers.
- Get It Read
Put your cover eMail in the body of the email, not as an attachment. Optionally you can also put include it as the first page or the last page of your resume.
- Attention grabbing subject line
Use the following format –
Recruiters Name, Company’s Name (which you are applying for), Job Title, Your Name, Your Most Important Quantifiable Qualifications (eg. PMP, MBA/9 yrs exp, Fundraising Exp in CA etc), Name of the Person Who Referred You. - Use Double-Hitting
Send a hard copy with snail mail in case the eMail fell in the cracks. Attach a short handwritten note saying “Second Submission, I am very interested”.
- Send It To The Hiring Manager
Do NOT send the cover eMail & resume to the HR team. Find out the name of the hiring manager and send it directly to him. But if you are working through a recruiter, send your resume to the recruiter.
- Has It Been Read?
Use a tracking mechanism eg. Yesware, bananaTag etc
- What’s In It For The Hiring Manager?
Explain how hiring you would benefit the hiring manager or his team
- Don’t beg
Don’t ask for favors, don’t appear desperate – use words which are synonyms for confidence, excitement and energy