Sufi Stories

Celebrating innovation, creation and entrepreneurship

How Is Canada Different From USA?

•  Population: USA – 300 Million, Canada – 30 Million

•  Languages: USA – English & Spanish; Canada -English & French

•  Money: US has a 29.7% higher disposable income – per capita.

•  Muscleman: US spends 3.7 times more money on military as expressed in % of GDP.

•  Health: US spends 1.3 times more money on healthcare as expressed in % of GDP.

•  Date of Birth: US is 94 years older (Note: Canada was not fully self-governing until December 11, 1931).

•  Religion: Canada has 18.7% more Roman Catholics, and 12% more non-religious people. US has 28% more Protestants. All per capita.

•  Development: Canada spends 1.8 times more on development as expressed in % of GNI.

•  Migrant Friendly: Canada has a 23.2% higher migrant rate.

•  Taxes: Canada collects 6.6% more taxes as expressed in % of GDP.

Remember these statistics are close approximations. Please visit Statistics Canada or wiki for accurate statistics.

Canada VS USA
Canada is a unique nation, and in its uniqueness lies its strength as well as its limitations.

Its easy for a prospective immigrant to think of Canada as an extension of USA. Nothing could be further from truth.

You would find much greater acceptance of cultural diversity in Canada, atleast in cities like Toronto and Vancouver. Toronto Star, Canada’s widely read newspaper even has a ‘desi’ section each week. Also, Canadians have a much gentler perspective of world politics.

On the other hand, USA is certainly the richer cousin. Lower prices, lower taxes and an over-abundance of material goods result in a much stronger economy – with many more jobs. A newcomer, quickly realizes this – once he exhausts the jobs advertised in Workopolis – Canada’s popular job site while a never ending stream of new jobs continues to appear in – which is the job hunt site in USA.

You Can Be Successful Too

However, every day newcomers land in Canada and are successful in their chosen career according to their benchmarks of success. For some, success implies living in a country which provides safety for their family. For others, success implies rising high in their career. Its not easy and you pay a high price for it. But it’s certainly possible.

In this resource center we provide you objective information which can arm you to make the right choices. We wish you success and remind you of a quote by that famous Canadian – A.G. Bell – What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it.”