Sufi Stories

Celebrating innovation, creation and entrepreneurship

How I started my writing career

This is a summarised story of how my calling found me.

Consy Adione

Seriously, I don’t even know where to start from because I don’t know if am actually writing a story about myself or maybe I just want to express how I feel but all I know is  that am writing and am trying to pass a message across so i need to start from somewhere.

At first I wasn’t really good at writing that’s if am good now and I don’t like writing to start with but I know that am no longer the same because I have improved a bit. All of a sudden I got motivated during my prescience days in unizik after listening to a networking seminar about trying to make good use of our time and opportunity online as a youth. During my holidays that year 2016 after my prescience I started reading articles on how to make money online which I thought about and decided to be a writer.

Back then, I had a blog in mind but I didn’t want to open a blog because I didn’t want to get frustrated and discouraged along the line based on what I read so I felt I wasn’t ready for that because I was not sure of what I was doing and even if I should , I wouldn’t like to start with a free blog site so that I can take it very serious tho I knew I had no money to do that. After much thought I said to myself let me try using Facebook page since is also free when It becomes successful I can invest in opening a website of my own.

The next thing that came to my mind was what will the page be about and which name should i use for my Facebook page.

I began thinking because I didn’t want to use my name, I wanted something different and unique. When I came up with the name  “Travel with current @consy adione” I thought of writing my inspiration behind the name which I wrote but didn’t publish it because it was a small piece so I will use this opportunity to put it down here.

Writing the definition of name was the first thing I did, I wanted to refresh my memory and also the memory of my audience.

Name is a word or set of words by which a person or thing is known, addressed or referred to. It also means the combination of words designed, distinguished or widely known to be spoken of in a particular context based on the intended meaning of the owner. When I read the second meaning, it gave me hope because I got what I wanted about being distinguished based on the intended meaning of the owner, I felt maybe I could write about what i meant on whatever name I finally decide on at least to satisfy peoples curiosity that will be wondering the meaning of the name and get their mind cleared.

I was going through my God’s heart beat and came across a sentence that got me  so I picked three words “Travel with current ” from it. After a while I started thinking what those words meant and how it relates to what was doing and what if someone should ask me what’s the meaning of travel with current, which means I should have something in mind to say. After much thinking I came up with the simple meaning ” moving in a positive direction “.

Then I started writing a few articles which I posted on my page and I got few of my friends to life my page. I was reading an article on  one day and I saw a link for guest bloggers which i applied and sent some of my work for publication. I was really happy that I finally got a website that can help me publish my work tho I wanted a website that will be paying so I asked if I could be paid and they said it depends on how consistent I am with my work. Hmm, that was kind of discouraging to me because i was in hundred level that year and school was in session that period and it will be hard for me to meet up with time and be consistent as a newbie in writing. I decided to try and keep up somehow in anyway so my work can be published even if I don’t get to be paid maybe I can find another website that will pay later. I had a friend who was into creative writing i asked to help me find a website that pays for submitting article which he introduced me to the website he uses to submit his stories but then I was finding it difficult to sign up plus the too much terms and conditions that I didn’t understand and my phone was having problems with other things. At a point, I got frustrated and felt like deleting everything and just be especially when I was finding it difficult to get a website to publish my work after stopped publishing my article when I took a break for some reasons.

Ever since i started  this writing career or hobby if i may call it, I write during my holidays to keep myself busy or maybe write when I feel like especially when am thinking about something on my mind. I thought of searching for another website again to publish my work since I still find my self writing all least once in a while. Finally I found one that is free which i registered for ezine@rticles and sent five of my articles because they needed to review five works for starters in order to move to another level if any of the work is qualified for publication. For three months and few weeks I have been waiting till today to hear from them but I didn’t get any message even after sending message three times about getting a feedback from them but nothing changed. At least, I was hoping to know if I did well or not but I don’t why they are taking much time just to review an article even if is just one than snubbing me like that. I felt really bad about that , after having hope of starting somewhere and putting effort to improve better than I was.

Seriously, I felt like giving up  and stop stressing myself on something that won’t work out after trying so hard for it as if it was my career tho my family and some my friends knew about my writing and things like that. Whenever I get a notification on Facebook from my page about posting something to engage with my audience, I will just say to myself if only they know how confused and devastated I am that am finally ending writing career.  I couldn’t  imagine achieving nothing after all the struggle, that was why I didn’t delete my page tho I knew I had no plans of making good out of it.

Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart am really grateful to God who brought me this far on my writing career. Later on, I thought about opening a personal blog which I can use as my journal to share ideas, adventures, experiences, updates, reviews, stories, videos and photos or something more to making a positive difference through my own views and influencing lives, that is being a model of my own. No matter how I think about it, I know there is improvement and change ever since I started writing. I have learnt a lot and more to learn. Not long, I realised that I have fallen in love with writing maybe that was why I couldn’t give it up or should I say is my calling to be a writer. One thing leads to another, my quest for money made me discover my potential to be a writer which I never thought will be a talent after all the hindrances but by God’s grace I was able to get here.

Circumstances of life can make us discover a lot of things which might not actually be talent. I want to encourage other people out there that we should always take the challenge and embrace the opportunity that life gives us. I know I wasn’t able to detail this story,is just a summary of what happened. Honestly, to me writing goes a lot with many things, I see it as more of a research thing because of the reading, thinking and most of all makes me to kind of be conscious of my environment and people around me. It is a way of expressing ones thought and helps you let go of things. The more you get to write the better you become. I believe and I pray that I will really make good out of it.