Grahame Peace Author
I write humorous paranormal-historical-mysteries, fantasy, and what I call fashion fiction.
I was born in Huddersfield in West Yorkshire, England, in 1958; most of my working life was in Mental Health; my background is in nursing.
I took writing up seriously when I retired six years ago, I had always enjoyed writing and telling stories, I had an idea for a story about my home town, based on some of my own personal experiences and my writing took off from there.
I have a new book out on Amazon, The Mystery at Winterburn Manor; this is my seventh book and the fifth in my Ghost from the Molly House Series. The new book is set in the present day at a 17th century Manor House in Wiltshire, England, and is a haunted house story full of eerie twists and turns.
The Ghost from the Molly-House series is about an 18th-century time-travelling ghost called Jasper Claxton, he has all kinds of spiritual powers, but he’s also vulnerable, and he has a wicked sense of humour. Someone said to me he’s the sort of person you’d like to have as your best friend, and I like to think of him that way.
The inspiration for Jasper came to me after I’d read a book by the American author Rictor Norton who has done a tremendous amount of research about life in 18th century London. Like I say there are now five books in the series:
The Ghost from the Molly House, The Jasper Claxton Mysteries, The Pluckley Psychic Historical Society, The Psychic Agency, and The Mystery at Winterburn Manor.
I have my own website All my books are available worldwide on Amazon, you can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Bookbub, AllAuthor, MeWe, and many other book sites.
In terms of selling and promoting my work, I found Facebook and Twitter the most effective, I’ve tried a book blog tour for one of my books, which was disappointing, I’ve also tried paid ads on FB, Amazon, and Bookbub, but I found them costly and ineffective.
I sell my books at a low price and make very little profit, so you have to sell a lot of books, just to cover the cost of advertising. It’s a vicious circle, as a writer you need to advertise, but as a new author, your budget is minimal.
I’m currently working on my next book; this is about a character called Patrina Fletcher, she’s a social media and reality TV star, she made several appearances in my book, The Psychic Agency, she’s great fun and very ‘2019’. I hope to release the book on Amazon later this year.