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Create a Killer Video Channel & Blog Gameplan: Download Zavesti Blog & Vlog Game Plan Printable Template

Where do you want your blog to be in 30 days and in 1 year?

This template for bloggers and vloggers is designed to help you ideate about your personal roadmap.

Instead of attempting the impossible task of accomplishing everything in one shot, a roadmap allows you to approach your goals in a phased manner.

Every new phase of your journey is based on the lessons learned from the previous phase. By having an iterative strategy, you constantly improve your channel and blog, avoid the mistakes of the past and grow much faster.

Quick Wins with an Eye on Future

The crawl, walk, run approach in this gameplan template boosts you with quick wins, while you don’t lose sight of long term objectives.

If you have your long terms goals spelled out, then you will know in which direction to progress. In any creative endeavor, it is easy to be sidetracked with temptations. The internet is constantly inventing new trends or tools to tempt you. Giving in to such temptations would result in endless meandering without accomplishing any of your goals.

If you have your goals mapped out, you can examine all your upcoming engagements to see if they advance your objectives.

As an example, if your goal is to have 1000 subscribers at the end of 60 days on your YouTube channel, you need to produce a certain number of videos and implement a strategy to attract audience. In these 60 days, getting sidetracked with a new course on woodworking or learning artificial intelligence wouldn’t make sense.

Blogging or vlogging is about trade-offs. If you have a desk job, then you constantly need to examine your priorities.

Temperature Checks

Your blogging roadmap is a living artifact. It should not be set in stone.

The point of a phased approach is that it allows you to examine your results after every interval and course correct if necessary. Do constant temperature checks.

As an example, if after 60 days you find that your blog posts continue to garner negative comments then perhaps it is best to adjust your topics, your scripts or writings or run a quick survey with your audience to see what they like and what they don’t.

As another example, it is possible that after 30 days you may decide that instead of simply focusing on personal branding, you want to monetize your blog or video channel. In such a case you can course correct and examine blog or vlog monetization strategies.

How to Use This Template?

The template is available as a PDF file. Download the file and print it out. Fill it up. Then after one week, brainstorm your filled template with a few trusted friends. Ask them for their feedback. Print another copy of the template with your final version.

Later on, if you need to make adjustments, feel free to cross out certain things and add new ones.

Don’t Forget to Have Fun!

I have found greatest success through work which required huge effort but zero stress. How can a work requiring massive effort not stress you out?

When you enjoy some work, you won’t get panic attacks from sweating through a lot of hours. That’s why it is important not to get wrapped up in blogging as a grave and gloomy endeavor. The whole point of your journey is to make you happy.

Have fun. Think of ways to make your journey as fun. Your audience will love you when they see you having fun. A smile is infectious!

When filling out the templates, use different colored inks to keep things feisty! Talk to your audience about finding Zavesti templates and how you use them. Make a video about your blogging goals or goals for your YouTube channel. Share your goals written out in the template with your audience.

After 30 days, make a video about what you have accomplished and the challenges you face. After 60 days, write a post or create another video about things you have learned and are learning on your video or blogging journey.

Right there you have cool ideas for your video or blog! Enjoy your journey. You will discover that the journey is as exciting as accomplishing your end results.

Happy blogging and vlogging!

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