Sufi Stories

Celebrating innovation, creation and entrepreneurship

A Resource Kit For New Canadians

Bookmark These Free Resources

  1. Yellow Pages Online

    Dial 211 for any questions about Ontario.
    Google to find similar helplines for other provinces

  3. Job Hunter’s Bible (Official Site For What Color Is Your Parachute)

  4. A 12 Point Checklist For New Immigrants
    This checklist applies to any new country. Use this checklist to make your settlement plans in Canada

  5. Settlement.Org
    Provides newcomers with information and resources to settle in Ontario, Canada

  6. Bloor Info Like Skills
    Settlement programs, woman abuse and pre-seniors programs in Toronot, Ontario, Canada

  7. Fred Victor Centre For New Immigrants Toronto, Ontario

  8. YMCA Toronto, Ontario

  9. YWCA Toronto, Ontario

  10. Jewish Immigrant Aid services Toronto, Ontario

  11. The Arab Community Center Toronto, Ontario

  12. Iranian Association Center Toronto, Ontario

  13. Network of Indian Professionals – Toronto

  14. Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto

Schools, Vocational Training, Student Aid From Govt

  1. CanLearn – From Govt of Canada: Information and services Canadian need to decide what and where to study and how to cover the costs

  2. Educational Resources From Govt Of Ontario – Find Schools For Your Kids & Vocational Training For Yourself

  3. StudentAid BC (Govt Resources For Students In BC)

  4. Explore the career and education options available in Canada.

  5. University of Manitoba: Descriptions of different occupations

  6. Occupational Profiles: Maintained by Govt Of Alberta

  7. Films Information & media studies

  8. Sheridan College

  9. Campus Access (Career Resources For University Students)

  10. Employment & Industry Trends